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Evolution and Anxiety

Humans are fascinating creatures. The story of human evolution is sort of a movie in itself. From wars, existential crisis, wiping out entire species, calamities, to exploration, rise, conquering the entire planet and what not! Before we jump into the details of how did our quick evolution and rise to the top of food chain resulted in filling us with fear, anxiety and tons of self doubt, here are some things you need to know. Almost all the animals we see today have certain species within them. Species are a group of organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of interbreeding. Some Dog species (Credits: The Telegraph) But look around, why don't humans have any other species? Is it because humans evolution took a different path compared to all the other animals? No .  The Scientific Name for humans is Homo Sapiens . We belong to the genus 'Homo'. And we are just one of the species of this genus. As a matter of fact, there was a time (about 2-3 million years ago) whe
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Your Body is Composed of these 5 layers

Human body is the most sophisticated piece of machinery on this planet. The very source of creation is functioning within you, which is way beyond the logical mind. When we talk about us, what do we really mean by us? What do you mean by 'me'? You might think "me" means my body and my mind. But our Ancient texts suggest beyond that. Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Yoga and Patanjalic text tell us that we are actually composed of five sheaths, or layers, or simply-bodies. It leads us from the gross to the subtlest levels of reality. Kosha means "sheath" in Sanskrit. In Yoga, the term is used to describe metaphorical layers within the human body. This meaning comes from the ancient Hindu texts called the Upanishads. We are made of these 5 Koshas: -Anna-maya Kosha (food sheath, Earth element) -Prana-maya Kosha (Vital sheath, Water elements) -Mano-maya Kosha (mental sheath, Fire element) -Vignana-maya Kosha (intellect sheath, Air element) -Ananda-maya Kosha (bliss sh

Coinciding your diet with Nature

  Eating is an essential life process. No doubt. All living organisms eat. But eating can do more wrong than good if done wrong. I observed our modern eating pattern and compared it to that of other animals. Turns out parallel to our evolutionary success, we have the most messed up eating habits. Eating is a spiritual process, and should be done very cautiously. Here are some habits I've added/ removed/ improved; Eat only between sunrise and sunset;   This is because our digestion is largely dependent on the Sun. According to Ayurvedic texts, our digestive fire rises as the sun rises, and dampens as the sun sets. It warns that any food which is eaten after the sun has set won’t properly get digested in the body. This undigested food then leads to accumulation of toxins  in the body which lead to short and long-term health issues. This might sound like the modern-day concept of intermittent fasting. Except, here the timings are not decided by you, they’re decided by the